
I hate my life.
People say that "Why do you hate your life when there are people in this world that have it worse than you?". I don't have an answer, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate my life. I'm not other people and I am who I am.
Some may think that is selfish, but... how else can I put it? We as humans are selfish beings and should-do-put ourselves before other people. That is who we are. So, I disagree with the people who think I am selfish because, in truth, they are selfish as well.
Now, it is true that I have thought of death or bringing myself death but have never and probably will never go through with it. I have too much respect for my father. But when I am faced with stress, it is just my nature to want to die. Because I hate it -- stress and life.
So, as this rant ends with nothing really solved inside, I hope to take with me when I finish my teenage years with at least one thing:  memories.

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