Favorite Goth Pictures:

Wel, I love, love, LOVE pictures. I'm not 100% sure why... but I do! :3 Well... Here are some of my favorite of the pictures that I have "collected" over my time here on this planet...
Well, this first one I adore the most (right at this moment, actually)! It's so fucking adorable! I mean, come on! I actually did a simmalar drawing of this girl the other day, but, it didn't turn out that well. I'm actually thinking about making a character of my own for a comic that's based off of this picture... BUT ANYWAYS...

Okay, so, this one really speaks to me. I mean, I'm not overly religious or anything, but I really adore how this incorperates the cross with all the goodness of Goth (like the bat and the coffin). I do not, under any cercumstances, think that this is "making fun of" religion or anything. It's just really pretty. :)
I'm a really big fan of roses. I guess you could even say that they are my favorite flower. Whatever the case, I really love this picture; not just for the rose, but for the words underneath it. It gives off a sense of pain, love, and hope (or, at least, that's what I got out of it). The fact that it's a black rose just makes it epic.

This is the picture that adorns the top of this blog; and I absolutely love this picture. I incorperates my two favorite things: reading and roses. Of course, I mainly love it for it's dark way of showing love in books, but I also think that it... Well, it can just mean something so much deeper than can be simply said in words.

Okay, so, for these two I WANT THAT HAT in the first picture and I WANT THAT STYLE in the second. When I first found the second picture (let's call her "pink"), I thought "Oh my God...! That's so beautiful! GIMME!!! Dx" haha. But, aside from acting creeperish there, pink really inspired me to move forward! :) And, with the second picture (let's call her "hat"), when I found it, I thought, "OHHHH! MYYY! GOSH! :D THAT WOULD SO GO WITH MY DRESS!" (you see, I have this dress... But that story is for another time...) That hat is soooooo adorable....! *sighs* yeah...............

So, the first and second picture here kind of go together in my mind--really, ONLY because of the hearts (a heart is my favorite shape :) <3 ).  I thought that the guy holding the heart was very meaningful and said, to me, "I give you my heart." Which totally chokes me up cause I totally fall for that cheesy shit >.< And, with the second one, I thought it said, to me, "Love binds us." I mean, this picture can be taken both good and bad ways, but, whenever dealing with "love" related photos, I always look for the good in them. :)

I WANT THIS. Is that so much to ask? >.< hahaha <3

And, last but not least, tis one :3 I just now realized that I had this picture not long ago and just realized how cute it was! OMG, I mean... LOOK AT IT! It just makes me wanna go "aww...!" haha, Well... yeah. I can fell the love! >.<

So, that was that. Hope whoever's reading all this enjoys! Oh, yeah... and....

I want this as a tatoo. Just sayin... >_>

Ravenson out~

1 comment:

  1. NOTE: I have no idea where these pictures come from! I am sorry!
